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2016 montrachet

Burgundy Grand Cru Producers Team Up for 2016 Montrachet: How to Invest in This Hotly-Anticipated Wine

Having gone through a devastating spring frost and continued problems with premox, Burgundy needed some good news for a change, and it looks like it got it. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Burgundy’s low grape yields might actually produce one of the most legendary wines of this decade, which is excellent news for…

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A discolored cork shows that this wine may have gone bad

How Do I Check for Signs That Wine Has Gone Bad in Storage?

The distinctive smells of a wine that has gone bad—often reminiscent of moldy wet newspaper and acetone—are the last things anyone wants to experience when they uncork a bottle of fine wine. However, you can sometimes spot the telltale signs that wine has gone bad in storage before you even open the bottle. Knowing how to spot common red flags is a great way to avoid buying spoiled bottles on the secondary market. It can also warn you of potential storage issues so you can correct any problems before they ruin the other bottles in your collection.

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How to Protect Wine Provenance: A Step-by-Step Guide to Tracing Your Wine’s History

Collectors often assume that a wine’s provenance doesn’t matter once they’ve bought their bottles and stowed them away in their cellars. This might be true if they only plan on drinking the wine, but if they want to resell the bottle later, the wine’s provenance still has a long way to go. I’ve bought bottles…

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tips for a successful wine auction purchase

Tips for a Successful Wine Auction Purchase: Look for the Red Flags Your Seller May Have Missed

Sometimes, sellers will put a bad wine case up for auction without realizing there’s anything wrong with it. Take premox for example; unless you open one of the bottles, it’s not immediately apparent when a case of wine has been impacted. A collector might naively invest in a vintage that’s notorious for premox problems, keep…

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